How to Craft Perfect Candidate Rejection Email

How to Craft Perfect Candidate Rejection Email

As an employer, one of the most important aspects of the hiring process is providing feedback to candidates who have applied for a job position. Unfortunately, many companies fail to prioritize this crucial step, resulting in negative consequences for both their reputation and brand perception. In this article, we will explore the significance of replying to candidates, the impact of failing to do so, and provide practical tips on how to craft the perfect candidate rejection message.

The Importance of Providing Feedback

When candidates take the time and effort to submit an application, it is only fair to acknowledge their efforts and provide them with a response. However, statistics from Workable reveal that a staggering 75% of candidates never hear back from a company after sending an application. This lack of communication can leave candidates feeling ignored and undervalued.

Moreover, the consequences of not providing feedback extend beyond the individual candidate. Research shows that 42% of candidates who do not receive a response will not reapply for a position with the same company. Additionally, 22% of these candidates will go as far as advising others not to apply or even boycotting the company's products or services.

These numbers highlight the potential damage to a company's reputation and brand perception when feedback is not provided. Word-of-mouth recommendations and referrals from friends and family play a significant role in influencing people's decisions, with 92% of people trusting recommendations from family and friends over any other type of advertising. By neglecting to reply to candidates, companies risk losing not only potential future applicants but also customers who have been influenced by negative feedback.

Understanding the Impact of Failing to Reply

Imagine the scenario where 22 out of every 100 candidates you reject decide to voice their dissatisfaction with your company to their network of friends and family. Suddenly, the potential reach of negative feedback expands exponentially, far exceeding the initial number of candidates. This demonstrates the power of word-of-mouth and the potential harm it can cause to a company's reputation.

For startups, in particular, it is essential to reply to all candidates promptly. As a growing company, you cannot afford a bad reputation, especially when you are still establishing your brand. Failing to reply to candidates can hinder your growth and tarnish your brand image from the early stages. To streamline the process and save time, consider utilizing recruiting software that features automatic replies. This can help ensure that every candidate receives a response, even if it is a standard template.

How to Craft the Perfect Candidate Rejection Message

Crafting a candidate rejection message requires thoughtfulness and professionalism. Even though candidates may not always expect a personal call, any form of response is better than complete silence. The level of detail and personalization in each rejection letter or call should be proportional to how far the candidate progressed in the application process. Here are some practical tips to help you create the perfect candidate rejection message:

1. Be Prompt and Timely

Candidates appreciate prompt responses, regardless of the outcome. Aim to send the rejection message within a reasonable timeframe, ideally no more than a week after the final decision has been made. Delaying the communication can create unnecessary anxiety and frustration for candidates, which can further damage your company's reputation.

2. Express Gratitude and Appreciation

Start the rejection message by expressing gratitude for the candidate's interest in the position and their efforts in the application process. Acknowledge the time and energy they invested and assure them that their application was thoroughly considered. This will help maintain a positive tone throughout the message.

3. Provide Constructive Feedback (Optional)

While not necessary for every candidate, providing constructive feedback can be extremely valuable. This feedback should be specific, highlighting areas where the candidate excelled and areas where they could improve. Constructive feedback demonstrates your commitment to helping candidates grow and shows that their application was taken seriously.

4. Maintain a Positive Tone

Regardless of the outcome, it is crucial to maintain a positive and professional tone throughout the rejection message. Use empathetic language and assure the candidate that the decision was not a reflection of their abilities or qualifications. Reinforce their strengths and encourage them to continue pursuing their career goals.

5. Offer Encouragement and Future Opportunities

End the rejection message on a positive note by offering encouragement and suggesting the possibility of future opportunities. Let the candidate know that their skills and qualifications may be a better fit for other positions within the company. This helps to maintain a positive relationship and leaves the door open for potential future interactions.

6. Personalize the Message (If Possible)

If the candidate reaches the later stages of the application process, consider personalizing the rejection message. Mention specific aspects of their qualifications or experience that impressed the hiring team. This personal touch demonstrates that their application was thoroughly reviewed and appreciated, helping to soften the blow of rejection.

7. Keep it Concise and Clear

While it is important to provide a thoughtful response, it is equally important to keep the rejection message concise and clear. Avoid unnecessary details or overly complicated explanations. Stick to the main points, ensuring that the candidate understands the outcome and any additional information you provide.

8. Proofread and Edit

Before sending the rejection message, take the time to proofread and edit it carefully. Typos or grammatical errors can undermine the professionalism of the message and create a negative impression. Double-check the recipient's name and contact information to avoid any embarrassing mistakes.

9. Follow Up with an Invitation to Stay Connected

In some cases, candidates may appreciate the opportunity to stay connected with your company for future job openings. Consider including an invitation to join your talent pool or subscribe to your job alerts. This gesture shows that you value the candidate's skills and qualifications and may lead to future collaborations.

10. Maintain a Consistent and Professional Brand Image

Consistency is key when it comes to crafting rejection messages. Ensure that the tone and language used align with your company's brand image and values. Consistency helps to reinforce your company's professionalism and creates a positive impression, even in moments of disappointment.


Crafting the perfect candidate rejection message is not just a matter of courtesy; it is a crucial step in maintaining a positive employer brand and reputation. By providing feedback and treating candidates with respect, even in rejection, employers can foster goodwill and potentially attract future applicants and customers. Remember, every interaction matters, and a well-crafted rejection message can leave a lasting positive impression on candidates. So, take the time to respond, acknowledge their efforts, and provide constructive feedback when appropriate. Your company's reputation depends on it.

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